Chautauqua Lecture Series - Marisa G. Franco

Wednesday, June 28 @ 10:45 AM
An assistant clinical professor and collegiate fellow in the University of Maryland Honors College, Marisa G. Franco has studied connections and relationships intensively, researching all over the world, centering and prioritizing friendship in her work, which now includes the New York Times bestseller Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make — and Keep — Friends. Drawing upon data and psychological underpinnings that gird such relationships, it is this book that will frame Franco’s presentation as part of the Chautauqua Lecture Series as she shares her work on human connection and systemic loneliness.

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Chautauqua Lecture Series - Marisa G. Franco

Wednesday, June 28 @ 10:45 AM
An assistant clinical professor and collegiate fellow in the University of Maryland Honors College, Marisa G. Franco has studied connections and relationships intensively, researching all over the world, centering and prioritizing friendship in her work, which now includes the New York Times bestseller Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make — and Keep — Friends. Drawing upon data and psychological underpinnings that gird such relationships, it is this book that will frame Franco’s presentation as part of the Chautauqua Lecture Series as she shares her work on human connection and systemic loneliness.

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